My Family is Grieving

Special Dates Become Painful
After the death of a loved one, dates that once held joy and delight can become painful reminders of their absence. Birthdays, anniversaries, cherished holidays and even graduations and the start of the school year.
At RedBird we call these Missed Milestones.
So often the longing to honor and remember your loved one collides with the pain of their absence.
Compounding Aloneness
Beyond the funeral, most grieving people say they feel forgotten by friends and colleagues. Many fear their loved one will be forgotten too.
Grief is unique to each person. Each person has their own needs, tender moments, challenges, and ways of coping.
At home, it can feel like grief is further ripping the family apart.
At work, grief impacts concentration, productivity, morale, and longevity when working for an employer lacking empathy.
Missing Rhythms
Many families avoid grief and struggle through Missed Milestones with painful silence. They lack rhythms of remembrance and the desire to remember a loved one easily gets lost in the demands of life.
Active remembrance of a loved one has shown to be a significant contributor to personal and family resiliency.
At RedBird, we witness when people have clear rhythms of remembrance they are less likely to get stuck in prolonged and acute pain of grief.
RedBird Helps Individuals and Families
When rhythms of remembrance are missing from your life, it is difficult to know where to begin. What will you do that's meaningful to you?
RedBird helps people discover personal, meaningful ways to honor their loved one. Our Guided Remembrance Experiences provide convenience, structure and support to help people reconnect with cherished memories, care for oneself in grief, and move toward resiliency.
We Acknowledge Grief is Always Unique
We acknowledge each person experiences grief uniquely. We honor this through curating all of our Guided Experiences to include opportunities for personal agency. Choices for personalization within the Guided Experience invite each person to discover their own rhythms of remembrance.
RedBird's Featured Guided Remembrance Experience
a time of peaceful reflection + gratitude
The Golden Remembrance Experience offers you an opportunity to pause for an hour to honor a loved one on a tender grief day. Each of the seven chapters provides structure and support for co-creating a meaningful and personal experience.
Choose the Style of Remembrance that Fits Best for You
GOLDEN DELUXE ~ Join Dannell Shu, live via Zoom, for a gathering with people who have also experienced the death of a Loved One. Buy a ticket for yourself or invite friends and family to join you.
Each ticket includes an Event Box with everything you need for your remembrance conveniently delivered to your door.
Seasonal gatherings provide additional opportunities for people to gather who have experienced a similar kind of loss. Here's a list of this season's Golden Deluxe gatherings.
Insider Tip ~ 100% of Golden is focused on you remembering your Loved One. In the Golden Deluxe gatherings you enjoy the warmth of being in community while spend 0% of the time on talking and sharing.
GOLDEN PREMIUM ~ offers a fully private remembrance with the option to go at your own pace. GOLDEN Premium includes 6 months access to RedBird's exclusive pre-recorded Digital Guide hosted by Dannell Shu.
Enjoy an expanded event box curated to support a longer remembrance time.
Insider Tip ~ Thanks to the Digital Guide, you can pick a day that fits best your schedule and your grief.
GOLDEN PRIVATE EVENT ~ Gather with people you know to honor a cherished friend / family / colleague. Request an in-person or live zoom event hosted by Dannell Shu.
Insider Tip ~ Private events can be customized for the unique needs of your people.