My Friend is Grieving

Special Dates Become Challenging

After your friend has experienced the death of a loved one, dates that once held joy and delight can become painful reminders of the person's absence. 
Birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, Mother's Day / Father's Day, and so many more.
At RedBird we call these Missed Milestones.
It is common for caring friends to struggle with how to acknowledge the loved one who has died. Many people are afraid of causing the grieving friend more pain by saying or doing the wrong thing.
Too often these fears prevent us from saying or doing anything.

 The Funeral, The One Year, Then What?

As a caring friend, you are aware that holidays and birthdays don't necessarily get easier as time passes.
When a person had has a child die, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Birthdays become consistently difficult holidays.
When a person has had a spouse or parent die, Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Christmas remain tender days.
Many people find themselves at a loss for what to do for their grieving friend that could be helpful months and years after the death.

RedBird Helps You Show Your Care

Research of grieving people shows the most valued acts of emotional caring by friends and family happen when you reach out to them and help them actively remember their loved one.
RedBird's Guided Remembrance Experiences help you do both.

Featured Remembrance Card


More than a card, Bouquet offers a mini-guided remembrance for you and your grieving friend and transforms into a keepsake.

It includes a guide to help you write the perfect message and support for your grieving friend to pause and remember their loved one through remembrance coloring.

 Order a single card or a set of four  Bouquet cards.


RedBird's Featured Guided Remembrance Experience

 a time of peaceful reflection + gratitude

The Golden Remembrance Experience offers an opportunity for a grieving person to pause for an hour to honor a loved one on a tender grief day. Each of the seven chapters provides structure and support for co-creating a meaningful and personal experience.


Two Ways to Gift Golden to Your Grieving Friend       



GOLDEN PREMIUM  ~ Send GOLDEN Premium as a gift ahead of a Missed Milestone.

Golden offers your grieving friend a fully private remembrance experience. It includes 6 months access to RedBird's exclusive pre-recorded Digital Guide hosted by Dannell Shu. This allows your grieving friend to select a date of their choice and go at their own pace through the guided remembrance experience.

Your grieving friend will receive a gift box with all the elements needed for their special remembrance. Gift boxes are designed for one person and can be expanded to include additional family members.



GOLDEN PRIVATE EVENT ~ Go all in when it comes to supporting your grieving friend.

Partner with RedBird to host a private GOLDEN Guided Remembrance Experience for a group of friends, family, or colleagues.  We will work with you to customize GOLDEN to meet the unique needs of your people. Events are available in-person or via Zoom with RedBird's founder, Dannell Shu.

Learn more about how to do this.




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